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How to Find your Website Contains Malware

November 17, 2022 | By Admin

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Does Your Website Contain Malware? How To Find Out?

When was the last time you checked your website for malware? Maybe, you have a valid reason (business is booming or the website is undergoing changes) for not doing so. But this could prove extremely dangerous. Therefore it's extremely important to check if your website contains malware from time to time. And in this blog, we list some guidelines regarding how to Website malware removal and how to protect your websites.

Reactive Ways Of Discovering Website Hack

. Your Website Visitors Are Being Warned By Google Chrome: Your users will eventually start complaining about not being able to access your website and that Google Chrome is blocking it out using a message which reads 'Phishing attack ahead'. If this is the case, it's a clear indication that your website's been hacked. And it's time you did something about it.

. Your Hosting Provider Takes Your Site Offline: This happens when visitors approach your website hosting provider and lodge complaints with them than choosing to approach you. When this happens, your website hosting provider has little choice but to remove your infected website before the infection spreads to the visitors.

Proactive Ways Of Offering Website Protection Against Hack

Using Website Malware Scanner: If you're someone who thinks along the lines of 'let me find out whether my website is vulnerable or not and then safeguard it' (which is very wrong thinking, by the way) then there are plenty of free online website malware scanners (like our very own Web Inspector) which can prove useful to you. All you have to do is provide your website's URL and you'll know whether your website is vulnerable or not within minutes.

Using Website Security Application: This is probably the best way of offering 24/7 protection to your website. As the name suggests, website security applications are website protection tools that protect your websites from various security attacks like DDoS, Brute-Force, SQL Injection, etc., through constant monitoring and by employing various website malware detection and prevention techniques.

Conclusion: Try cWatch URL Scanner to Check Malware on your Site

Speaking in non-technical terms, malware typically hides within the website's code. Which website malware scanner identifies or detects? A website security application does not stop at just identification or detection. It gets to the root of the issue and removes the malware from the website. That's the big difference between these website security and protection tools.

Now, proactive monitoring is quite important when it comes to website protection. Because, well, prevention is always better than cure. Therefore subscribe to the services of a website security application like Comodo cWatch and ensure your website stays safe against various security threats.

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