Check Website Safety with Our cWatch Website Checker
Check Website Safety - Confused with the links that appear on Facebook? Are you hesitant to click them? Are you suspecting them to be part of some phishing attack? Well, don’t be confused with the deluge of links that seek to trap you daily on your phone and PC. Here’s a detailed cWatch guide on how to check website safety & to check if Is this Website Safe.
Web Browser Security Features:
The popular web browsers that we use today have security features that will help you stay secure while browsing. Thus, the browsers, with their check website safety tools, tell you "how to check if a website is safe". They'd also protect you by blocking annoying pop-ups, stopping malicious downloads, controlling which websites could access your camera or mic, and assessing all other aspects of website safety.
Web Safety Tips On How To Choose Your Browser's Privacy Settings:
- Google Chrome: Settings > Advanced > Privacy and Security
- Mozilla Firefox: Options > Privacy and Security
- Microsoft Edge: Settings > Advanced Settings
- Apple Safari: Preferences > Security and Preferences

Check Website Safety - Always Double Check URLs Before Clicking on Them
This is an important part of the 'Check Website Safety' guide. Always double-check the URLs before you click on them. Check the destination of the links before you decide to click on them. You can do this by hovering your mouse over the link; this mouseover helps verify the URL it is linked to, which would then appear on the bottom left of your browser.
As for URLs, you also need to pay attention to the spelling. Hackers have the habit of tricking users who don't pay heed to the URLs. By substituting visually similar characters in the URL, you are fooled into a phishing website. Without even knowing, users give away loads of personal info over the website. Remember, it takes just a moment to verify a URL and also that your eye is one of the most important web security tools.
Look for HTTPS, That's Important
Most internet users, if quizzed on "how to check if a website is safe", would simply say, "Look for the HTTPS". Yes, checking for HTTPS is one of the most notable web safety tips.
HTTPS ensures that whatever data you enter while using a website remains encrypted. This is of utmost importance when you’re banking online or shopping. You don’t want cyber criminals to get away with your sensitive personal information, including passwords or credit card data.
Any HTTPS-encrypted website would have the 'HTTPS' on the address bar. Along with the padlock on the browser's navigation bar, this will let you know that the website you are visiting is safe. Never enter your sensitive personal data if the website doesn't have the padlock on the browser's navigation bar.

Check Website Safety Tools - Check if the Website is Safe
Website safety checker tools, like Web Inspector, will help you check if a specific website or URL is safe. You just need to enter the URL in the search box and hit "Enter".
For website owners, you can use cWatch Website Security - Online Tool to scan and remove malware from your site quickly.
Do a Whois Lookup to Check Website's Reputation
It's always good to do a Whois lookup to know who owns the website, when it was registered, the contact number, and such information. It's easy to do and gives you all the necessary details to test If this Website Safe and check website's reputation.
Call 'Em Up! - cWatch Website Safety Checker
Check if a website is safe if the company that owns the website is legitimate, you can just find their contact details and call them up. You could also judge, based on the response, if the company is legit or not. An informal response could even suggest that something is wrong with the company and the website.
Always Install Web Security Tools to Check Is this Website Safe
This is one of the key points in our "How can I know if the website is safe" guide. Have a trusted antivirus and also install the necessary web security tools. This would help you ensure check website safety. The above guide will provide you with detailed information about How to check Is this Website is Safe.