Best 7 Tips on How to Make WordPress Secure from Hackers
WordPress security is a topic of massive importance for a website owner. Google blacklists 50,000 websites for phishing every week and more than 10,000 websites for malware every day. If you are using WordPress for business, you need to be extra careful against hackers and cybercriminals.
A hacked website can harm your business revenue and reputation in the market. Scammers can steal your valuable information and install the malicious program to your website, that is why WordPress security is important to run your business smoothly.
In this post, we are providing you essential tips on how to make WordPress secure from hackers. Let’s read on to find out:

Keep Strong Passwords
Passwords act as the first-line defense against hackers. Most of the hackers initially try to guess your passwords to gain a smooth entrance to your database. You can also take the help of a password tracking tool to keep track of all your passwords.
You should not use the same password for every account on the internet as the right guess of scammer can be dangerous for every account. Always use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols to create a robust and uncrackable password.
Avoid Use of Nulled Themes
You should avoid the use of nulled themes as it also falls under the WordPress security checklist. Nulled themes are cracked versions of premium themes, which contain malicious codes. These codes can be harmful to your site.
Premium themes provide a more professional look to a website and come with more customizable options than a free theme. These themes are developed by highly skilled creators and are tested to pass multiple WordPress checks to secure your website from hackers.
Install SSL Certificate
In the beginning, Singe Sockets Layer or SSL was meant to secure a website that is used for transactions and process payments. But these days, it is an essential certificate for all websites available on the internet.
However, Google has also recognized the importance of the websites equipped with an SSL certificate. These websites gain a more weighted place within the search results of Google. This certificate is mandatory for all sites which deal with sensitive information like passwords, card details, etc.
SSL encrypts all the sensitive information between the user’s browser and server, which can not be read by a hacker. In the absence of SSL, all your data goes in plain text, which can be easily accessed by any hacker to harm you.
Apply a WordPress Security Plugin
Undoubtedly, keeping a regular tab on the security of a website is a time-consuming task. You must know that malware enters your website is always written into code, which can not be detected through a regular scan. Fortunately, a security plugin can help you in scanning malware, and it also monitors your website security 24X7 to reduce the risk of threat.
Set Limit on Login Attempts
Generally, WordPress allows users unlimited attempts to log in their account, which is useful when you forget which letter is capital in your password. Sometimes, this feature can act as a helping hand to the attacker to gain access to your website.
By limiting the login attempts, a user can try a limited number of attempts until he is temporarily blocked. It also applies to an attacker who will be locked out before inserting malware into your database.
You can enable this easily by installing WordPress login limit attempts plugin. When you are done with the installation of the plugin, go to Settings and then Login Attempt Attempts. Choose the number of trials to log in to your account.
Keep your WordPress Updated
You should keep your WordPress up to date to ensure the security of your website. Every update brings a few changes in the current version as the developers continuously work towards improving security features. Regular updates reduce the risk of getting targeted through pre-identified loopholes by hackers.
Disable File Editing
When you set up for WordPress site, you will come across the code editor function in your dashboard. It allows you to edit your plugin and theme of the site. Go to Appearance and then Editor or you can find it under Plugins then Editor.
You should disable this feature, once your website is live to reduce the risk of attack. A hacker can inject malicious code to your theme and plugin if he manages to gain access to your WordPress Admin Panel. You can disable the ability to edit the theme files and plugins, paste code ‘define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);’ in the wp-comfig.php file.
Maintaining WordPress security is a crucial part of your WordPress site. It can be done quickly by following the above steps and without spending any money. You can pass on this task to Cwatch, which keeps all security checks on your website.
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