Getting your website hacked is frustrating, and getting it fixed is no easy process. If your website has been hacked, there are a few things you can do to fix it.

What to Do If Your Website Has Been Hacked?

  1. Take Your Website Offline
    If your website has been hacked, it is important to take it offline so you can focus on solving the problem without any interruptions. By taking the page offline, you can prevent any issues that may arise.
  2. Identify the Severity of the Damage
    If your website has been hacked, you have to identify the severity of the damage that the cyber attack has done to your website. By doing so, you’ll have a better idea of the solutions that need to be taken, the recovery time, and the recovery cost.
  3. Remove the Malicious Code
    Now that you have analyzed the severity of the damage after your website has been hacked, remove the malicious code inserted into your website. Most websites get hacked through malicious code injection, so you must get rid of it and any other malicious programs that are now on your website.
  4. Patch Your Website Vulnerability
    With the website restored to its clean state after removing the malicious code, never let it get hacked again by patching your website’s vulnerabilities. Most probably, your website has been hacked due to unknown system vulnerabilities that the hacker has exploited. Because of this, patching websites is crucial. By doing so, you prevent malware and hackers from getting through to your website.
  5. Restore from Backup
    Lastly, even though your website has been hacked, you can get it back online in no time without missing any content, thanks to an automated backup service. You will only have a problem if your website has never been backed up. In that case, you may have to recreate content.
    After getting your website hacked, you will have a better understanding of how difficult it is to deal with a hacking incident. So, it is important to keep your website secure to prevent it from getting hacked again.
Website Has Been Hacked

How to Prevent Your Website from Getting Hacked

Keep Your Software Up to Date
Any website, including yours, can have unknown vulnerabilities if not updated regularly. Keeping its software up to date is important because updates fix bugs and vulnerabilities and prevent hackers from exploiting outdated software. You should also update your add-ons, plug-ins, and other programs.

Create Strong Passwords
If you don’t want hackers modifying your website content, create a strong password to prevent brute force attacks. Brute force is a hacking technique where hackers try combinations of characters to crack passwords and hack websites.

Use Website Security Software
Website security is an important tool for protecting your website. It hardens your website and provides automated backup to recover content without a hassle. If your website has been hacked, install website security software to protect it against cyber attacks.

cWatch Website Security Software

If your website has been hacked and you are looking for effective website security that can clean your website, Comodo cWatch is highly recommended.

It has malware detection tools that can detect and remove any malicious software or code from your website. Once the website has been cleaned, Comodo cWatch can also scan your website for system vulnerabilities and patch them.

With Comodo cWatch, even if your website has been hacked, you can restore it to its previous state. If you want to keep your software up to date, Comodo cWatch installs website updates automatically so you never have to worry about installing updates manually.

Comodo cWatch will also protect your website against DDoS attacks. It has a web application firewall that monitors web traffic to detect unwanted traffic on your website. It constantly monitors your data and notifies you of unusual activities.

If you run a website, you need a good website backup platform so you can easily recover your website in case you encounter a problem. Comodo cWatch has a secure backup platform that automatically applies the latest changes made on your website. So in case an unfortunate incident occurs, you will have no problem getting your website running again.


If your website has been hacked, take the recommended preventive measures mentioned above to avoid falling victim again. With the help of Comodo cWatch, you can keep your website secure.

Contact us now to scan your website.

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