Website Antivirus Check for Stronger Website Security

Web Antivirus - A computer virus commonly infects USB drives and computers. Although, it's uncommon to hear, it's possible for websites to get a virus as well. Similar to an infected computer or drive, a website can definitely show symptoms. A dedicated website owner must consider knowing how this problem happens and learn to fight viruses efficiently.

How Website Virus Infection Starts

First of all, the hacker needs to get access to the Web server you use. There are countless ways to do that. Hackers don't even need to do manual labor to get to your information. All they need to do is send you a phishing email that will implant a malicious program that logs your keystrokes. After collecting what you type into your computer, they can use those to get into your web hosting account. Your website is now successfully hacked.

How Website Virus Infect Other Websites

When the hacker gets into your website hosting account, they can manipulate its settings freely. They can mess up your website code and design. They can also disrupt your traffic and redirect legit website users, change the content of your sites, and infect the computers of all of your site visitors. The virus uploads itself to the web server and begins installing itself on websites that are contained on that server. Thus, website viruses are more prevalent within shared hosting plans, as a single web server can be shared by hundreds or even thousands of webmasters. Worse, Google can detect malicious activities on a website. This is the very reason why you need to strengthen your website using a Web Antivirus.

Web Antivirus

The Website Virus Aftermath

Aside from the technical signs of a hacked website, there are also visual signs you can see when there's a virus on your website. Even a friend can keep an eye out for you. So to be sure, let your technical staff know these signs as well:

  • Your hosting provider disabled your website.
  • Hackers vandalized your website.
  • Web browsers blacklisted your website.
  • You or your legitimate website visitors are redirected to inappropriate websites.
  • Your website is sending emails on its own.
  • Your website is loading really slow.
  • There are malicious and strange folders and files within your website layers.
  • Google shows warnings about your website.

Investing for the Best Web Antivirus Tool

Comodo cWatch, Website Antivirus Scanner here to simplify all of that tedious and complicated steps. It is one of the best Web Antivirus tools designed into a package where it has Managed Security Service for websites and applications that combines a Web Application Firewall (WAF) provisioned over a Secure Content Delivery Network (CDN). It is a fully managed solution from a 24/7 staffed Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC) of certified security analysts and is powered by a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) that leverages data from over 85 million endpoints to detect and mitigate threats before they occur. Here's a brief description of cWatch, Website Antivirus Scanner features:

Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC)
Your team of always-on certified cybersecurity professionals providing 24x7x365 surveillance and remediation services.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)
The best Web Antivirus tool has powerful, real-time edge protection for web applications and websites providing advanced filtering, security, and intrusion protection.

Security Information & Event Management (SIEM)
The best Web Antivirus tool provides Advanced intelligence leveraging current events and data from 85M+ endpoints & 100M+ domains.

PCI Scanning
The best web antivirus tool enables merchants and service providers to stay in compliance with PCI DSS.

Malware Monitoring & Remediation
The best web antivirus tool identifies malware, provides the tools and methods to remove it, and helps to prevent future malware attacks.

Secure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
The best web antivirus tool has a global system of distributed servers to boost the performance of websites and web applications.

Experience the Best Security Sites Tool

You can get the best web antivirus without emptying your wallet. The best part is, it's so easy to use. We're giving the cWatch Scan test for free. No charge at all. If you are satisfied with cWatch, you can definitely subscribe to our services monthly for a very affordable price. Just visit our website for more details.

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