The Best Online Antivirus Scan - Clean Hacked Website Instantly
With malware and viruses becoming more and more damaging and dangerous, it has indeed become a growing necessity for us to treat online security as the topmost concern in our lives if we aim at sustaining a safe online business and keeping all business-related confidential data safe. Online security is not just essential only for those running a business but also for individuals accessing websites to carry out banking related transactions, online purchases etc.
The likelihood of virus infection can be decreased by installing antivirus programs capable of efficiently running online virus scans and removing any detected virus. These online virus scanners will be able to utilize multiple scanners on their servers. These are a few viruses and malware that are smart enough to trick users and also thwart the operation of the installed security suite. Online virus scanners will help prevent this scenario and catch the hidden threats.

Website Viruses: How they are spread?
Website viruses are very much like computer threats because besides infecting your computer they also go ahead and target your Web server that hosts your website. Website viruses can help the hacker to gain access to the Web server. Even though, website infection may sound like a rare occurrence, it is also a very common issue that continues to trouble website owners. Usually, the hacker begins by getting an online business owner to just download a virus to their personal computer. After the website gets infected it logs all keystrokes that users type on their keyboard. You may want to know how this could help the malware infiltrate your Web server. This actually helps hackers to trace your password because when you log into your web hosting account, your password gets automatically cataloged into a database, thus hacking your account.
Key Reasons of a Website’s Virus Infection
- Easy passwords
This hacking type is called a brute-force attack in which a hacker tries different password combinations in order to guess the correct password. This method is considered to be a serious threat to unreliable and weak passwords. Most users tend to develop minor combinations when the system asks a user to create a password. Refrain from using your date of birth, child’s name or even your pet’s name for a password as there are many social networks in which you could have posted these details. This actually makes a hacker’s job easy. - Vulnerable plugins and templates
There are website owners who could be using free plugins and templates instead of legit ones. However, almost all free copies of a template or a theme will contain a backdoor, malicious script or web-shell. If you do not thoroughly know how to clean the free template or plugin, avoiding them is the best thing to do. - Theft of FTP accesses
It is a bad idea to work with accesses over an unsecured channel. While being connected through FTP, your password and login gets displayed in such a way that allows thieves to steal this data very easily. To prevent such a situation, it is better to use secure channels while visiting other websites, using email, and working via FTP. - Vulnerabilities on your site
Vulnerabilities are scripts on your website that allow hackers to crawl into the site’s control panel. Hackers are fast in getting to know about the vulnerabilities of all the common content management systems, and thieves do not wait for a long time to use that knowledge as it gives them access to many websites. Custom content management systems are also becoming victims as they are generally developed without much concern about safety.
Best Online Antivirus Scan and Removal Software: Why Use cWatch
cWatch Web developed by Comodo is a Managed Security Service ideal for websites and applications. This website security tool is considered to be the best online antivirus scan and removal tool as it is available with several efficient features that do not just focus on virus detection and removal.
Comodo cWatch Web has a Web Application Firewall (WAF) provisioned over a Secure Content Delivery Network (CDN). It is a wholly managed solution from a Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC) of certified security analysts who work 24/7. Furthermore, it has a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) capable of leveraging data from more than 85 million endpoints in order to identify and mitigate threats even before they occur. cWatch offers vulnerability scanning services in order to provide Online merchants, businesses, and other service providers handling credit cards online with an automated and simple way to stay compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Malware detection scanning, preventive methods and removal services from cWatch
These services enable organizations to adopt a practical approach that will help protect their business and brand reputation from infections and attacks.
- Malware Detection
cWatch scans websites daily to quickly detect and eliminate malware capable of infecting the website. If a threat is detected, email alerts get sent to Comodo’s CSOC along with the impacted organization and detailed instructions and subsequent steps on how to rapidly detect and eradicate the threat. Detailed reports are provided via the management console with complete event details and resolution capabilities. - Malware Removal Service
The cWatch Web malware removal services via the CSOC will definitely eliminate all traces of infections and related files, and not just focus on the primary source of the infection. Security analysts from Comodo will carry out a complete analysis to identify the root cause and events that led up to a detection. This service will also allow organizations to understand what processes, files, and registry keys were touched by the malware so that they lessen any downtime. - Malware Prevention
cWatch Web stops threats even before they hit an organization’s network. This happens by merging Comodo’s advanced security analytics engine that monitors growing threats all over the world with real-time data from web traffic in order to provide early warnings and indicators that will help identify and block new threats, zero-day vulnerabilities, and delivery techniques.