How To Fix My Website that is Down

Part of maintaining your site includes adopting strategies that keep the website up to date, secure, and functional. However, some businesses only focus on website security when hackers strike. One of the biggest questions that many website owners ask is; can I fix my website at reasonable prices? The answer is yes.

You do not have to rob the bank to secure your website. You only need to adopt an effective strategy that will be defensive and proactive. Let us discuss some common website vulnerabilities and how you can prevent them.

1. Cross Scripting Site (XSS)

XSS, also known as cross scripting site, targets user applications by injecting dangerous code. The idea of cross-site scripting is to control client-side web application scripts to operate based on the attacker’s preferences. XSS allows cybercriminals to perform scripts in a victim’s browser, which takes over user sessions, diverts victims to dangerous websites, and disfigure websites.

2. SQL Injections

Fix My Website

These are site application security risks, where the attacker attempts to utilize application code to navigate through your site and contaminate database content. Hackers who succeed in executing SQL injections develop, read, change, update, or even delete data deposited at the back-end information center.

3. Broken Session and Authentication Management

Broken session and authentication management comprise various security elements, all of which focus on maintaining user identity. If session dependents and verification details are not always secured, attackers can take over an operating session and acquire the user identity.

4. Security Inadequacy

Security Inadequacy includes various types of vulnerabilities, all of which focus on a shortage of attention or maintenance on the web application set up. A steady layout should be specified and installed in the; frameworks, implementation, performance server, information center, and data server. Security Inadequacy allows hackers to access private features or data and can cause a severe compromise in the system.

5. Cross Request Forgery Site

This vulnerability is a risky intrusion where victims are tricked into executive an unintended action. A minor-party site could send a web operation request indicating that the user is verified against certain factors. The attacker may then gain functionality through the user’s validated browser. This vulnerability targets various web applications such as online investment, social media platforms, web attachments for network gadgets, and email in-browser clients.

6. Insecure Direct Object References

Insecure direct object reference occurs when a web application exhibits a reference to internal application elements. Internal application elements include database records, files, database keys, and directories. If an application exhibits a reference to any of these elements in a URL cybercriminals can use it to gain a user’s personal information.

How to Fix my Website of Potential Vulnerabilities

There are no universal strategies that can help fix security vulnerabilities across every industry. However, your organization can adopt some tips to help fill the gaps and reduce these vulnerabilities. Let’s discuss some of them.

Work on Internal threats

A written policy can promote an IT tradition of enhanced security, but you should also include employee awareness and training within your standards. With proper guidelines on sustainable security and use procedures, you can help employees understand how to handle cyber attacks. With suitable strategies and support from the management, you can adopt a notice something, speak about its tradition.

Make Web Security an Organization-Wide Practice

A security strategy is not a preserve of the IT department. It’s a topic that stretches across all departments and requires every staff member to work closely with the IT department. While holding a single cyber security meeting does not amount to having a security tradition, it is a beginning. Understanding the risks within an organization's structure and the vulnerable departments is crucial. To apply a new culture to help reduce cyber security vulnerabilities, you may want to review your security strategies.

Record User Administrative and Access Privileges

While you may want to give some of your employees administrative privileges on your site, some of them may end up abusing them. Some employees hardly consider website security when logging into the content management system. Instead, they only focus on completing the available task. Should one of them make a mistake or even disregard an issue, then it can result in a massive security threat.

It is crucial to evaluate your employees before giving administrative privileges to your site. Determine their experience when it comes to using a CMS and figures out whether they know what to do in case of an attack. Ensure every CMS user understands the importance of updating software and passwords regularly. Monitor anyone who has access to your CMS, review their administrative settings, have a record, and update it regularly.


In today’s digital era where risks are increasing every day, automation is a robust method of implementing a security policy. Some of the critical elements of your security strategy that you should automate include:

  • Threat surveillance
  • Policy-based management
  • Integrity tracking
  • Compliance evaluation


The proper adoption of these tips can help you enhance your website security.

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