3 Simple Steps to Protect WordPress Site From Malware

Malware is a term that constitutes an extensive collection of disruptive or harmful programs. These programs have been around for much longer than the internet, and it should be your top priority to protect your website against them.

To keep your website safe, you need to know what type of program you are up against. It is essential to understand the various kinds of malware and how they can damage and infect your site. Once you are familiar with this, you can implement effective WordPress security measures to prevent them.

Here, you will know about malware, and it’s most common and unsafe strains, and how to protect WordPress site from malware.

What is Malware?

Malware is a term used for “malicious software,” which means any software that has been created internationally to cause damage and disruptions. The target could be a website, a network, a server, or a computer.

The origin of malware goes far back to the early 70’s. Some of them were created to replicate between different computers, and some were created as pranks.

How to protect wordpress site from malware

Today, malware is not something that should be taken lightly. It has been one of the greatest threats to all-digital systems. Also, malware has evolved into several different strains that have varying ways of damaging and infecting the system. New types of malware are discovered and released every day. A recent example of WordPress malware is “BabaYaga.”

You can easily assume that your website is safe, but there is no such site or device with 100% security against the malware. Even if you are operating a simple WordPress site, it can still be infected in different ways, by which you could lose your data, or become financially unstable.

So, it is always best to be prepared and know what malware you are up against and take adequate security measures to protect WordPress site against malware, and remove it completely.

Different Types of Malware

There are different types of malware; here are the most common variations of malware that you might encounter:


Virus or Computer virus is mostly used to describe several types of malware. It refers to a kind of software that can replicate itself by entering its own code into different programs. It can affect several things like adding spam content to your website or infecting your visitor’s devices.

2.Trojan horse

“Trojan horse” is referred to as software that usually has one function but performs several other actions, like exploiting your system’s resources, or corrupting your PHP files, FTP files, and WordPress files.


It is a type of program that remains hidden to collect complete information. This malware can lead to loss of personal data and data breaches.


This type of malware forces you to visit an advertisement, like by clicking on it to access your website. It could be harmless but is highly undesirable and irritating.

Different Ways to Protect your WordPress Site against Malware

To keep the malware away from damaging your website, you must take some steps to tighten the defense. It might seem complicated, especially if you are not familiar with the website security, but you must understand the vulnerability to prevent it from happening.

1.Keep your website updated

This is the first step, which is both easy and essential. It is crucial to make sure that you always update every component of your website as soon as possible. This includes WordPress, and its several plugins, files, and themes that you have installed.

An old version of your website does not contain the latest security measures, so you need to update it on a regular basis.

2.Secure Your Login Page

WordPress does not have several weak points, but the most prominent is your website’s login page. This is not the fault of WordPress, as most attackers target the website’s login page to gain access to your website and infect it with malware.

So to protect your website from such attacks, you must use a secure password that can be generated within the WordPress itself.

Also, you might implement two-factor authentication, in which the users will need a mobile device to log in to the website.

3.Create Regular Backups

A backup is a copy of your entire website, which you can use if anything goes wrong. The backups are mostly used whenever your website is infected with any type of malware to protect the data from damage. With a backup, you cannot lose your files and can protect your website against such malware attacks. Hope you have an idea about how to protect wordpress site from malware.

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