How to Prevent from Hacking?

A hacker is a programmer capable of getting into a system or gaining unauthorized access by executing a skillful strategy. Hackers constantly keep searching for security deficiencies. Despite the fact that they can be the guardians of the security system, they can also turn that around and do more harm than good. A hacker is thus a skilled programmer who can write software swiftly and expertly. They are capable of cracking almost any code and can get into any computer system.

How to stop hackers from attacking your computer

Any good hacker will be able to get into your computer and steal pin numbers, passwords or codes to your financial sites. One very effective and significant guard you can have in place is a firewall. A firewall will prevent hackers from getting into your system and sending out your personal information. It stands guard outside the system in order to block any communication or information exchanges from sources that do not have your permission. If you use a super-fast Internet connection, you may have the same security concerns that you can find in any big corporation or organization. Firewalls filter the information coming via the Internet connection and flag a packet of information that could possibly be harmful to your computer system.

How To Stop Hackers

Let’s take a brief look at how a firewall works:

A firewall filters incoming data and allows only the ones considered safe to come through. The information here is checked and matched to particular defining characteristics. The firewall does not allow this information to go into a system if these characteristics are not matched.

A good firewall is thus capable of protecting you from the creative ways that people use and misuse unprotected computers. It protects from remote login in order to prevent individuals from viewing or accessing your files or running any of your computer programs. It prevents hackers from hijacking your email. After gaining access to an email address, the hacker will then use that address to send unsolicited junk emails to thousands of users.

Email bombs are also used as a personal attack on your personal computer. The same email is sent to you by a stranger thousands of times until your email system fails to actually accept any more messages. This could end up in a catastrophe for someone working from home.

Spams are junk mails that are usually harmless but they could also often contain links to websites that may install a "cookie" on your system that develops a backdoor for a hacker to enter through.

10 Easy Tips on how to stop hackers and how to handle hacking attacks

  • Change all your passwords

    This is very important as hackers can very easily trace your passwords if you are using a very simple one or something that is common and out there in the hacker-land. The logic behind changing your password on a regular basis is to make it more difficult for cybercriminals to access your banking accounts etc. If a hacker uses software to run via every possible password option, this indeed becomes ineffective if the password is constantly changing.

  • Eliminate duplicates

    Passwords are considered to be a hacker's "master key" to finding an opening into private consumer credit and email accounts, so don't make it easy for them by creating simple passwords. Establish a goal of not repeating any duplicate passwords or even ones that are extremely similar to your old password. Always make sure to replace any old passwords that are using especially if they are too simple.

  • Limit the number of click-throughs

    You will have to limit the number of click-throughs you perform on emails and even text messages. This could initially be difficult but you need to move a touch slower when you check all your email accounts. This is essential as cybercriminals are now using phishing and several other social engineering tricks to get you to open emails, click on links and even share some vital information, even if it is someone's email or name. Whenever possible try to reduce the number of emails you get and respond only when necessary.

  • Boost your network/computer defenses

    You are more vulnerable to global hacking attempts if you are a PC user. Your best defense is to make sure you are running the most updated versions of every program, starting with Windows. Also, make sure that you are running a good web security program that has antivirus features capable of detecting, removing and preventing malware. One effective web security tool is cWatch, developed by Comodo.

    The remaining part of this article will talk about effective web security features provided by this tool to stop hackers and prevent other security-related attacks.

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    This WAF eliminates application vulnerabilities and protects web applications and websites against advanced attacks such as SQL Injection, Denial-of-Service (DDoS), and Cross-Site Scripting. Incorporated with vulnerability scanning, malware scanning, and automatic virtual patching and hardening engines, the Comodo WAF is capable of providing robust security that is wholly managed for customers as part of the Comodo cWatch Web solution. The WAF also focuses on application targeting attacks, for example, WordPress and plugins, Drupal, Joomla etc.

  • Malware Monitoring and Remediation

    This feature allows cWatch to deliver malware detection scanning, preventive methods and removal services that enable organizations to adopt a proactive approach in order to protect their business and brand reputation from malware infections and attacks. Comodo cWatch Web thus helps to identify malware, provide the methods and tools to remove it and prevent future malware attacks at the edge even before it reaches the network.

  • Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC)

    The Comodo CSOC is made up of certified security analysts to monitor, assess and defend websites, databases, data centers, applications, servers, desktops, networks, and other endpoints for customers. The CSOC uses modern technology to identify and analyze threats and then carry out the necessary actions needed for maintaining optimal security. The CSOC helps in blacklist repair and generates risk assessment reports.

  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

    Enhanced intelligence leveraging current events and data from 85M+ endpoints and 100M+ domains. The SIEM is considered to be the brain of the web security stack sending alerts to the CSOC team to detect and mitigate threats for a customer before they can occur and enabling them to respond in a more rapid manner to attacks.

  • PCI Scanning

    Comodo cWatch Web provides online merchants, businesses, and other service providers handling credit cards online with an automated and simple way to stay compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). It ensures securing the payment cardholder’s information from possible security breaches via meticulous network and application scans in order to detect and fix security vulnerabilities.

  • Secure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    Comodo’s secure CDN is a network of globally distributed servers designed to enhance the performance of web applications and websites by delivering content using the closest server to the user and is proven to increase search rankings. Comodo’s CDN is considered to be the only web services platform built on security, along with a fortified machine learning core capable of aggregating, analyzing and syndicating real-time threat data both to and from each of Comodo’s secure services.

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