How to Protect Your Website from Hackers?

The internet has numerous benefits. It also has many disadvantages. One of the many disadvantages is the presence of hackers. These are malicious internet players that rely on technology to disrupt the online ecosystem.

They do this through advanced technical skills that enable them to infiltrate a website and other devices. Hackers use malicious software or other methods to gain illegal access to a website or device.

There are many expensive ways to protect your website from hackers. But you can adopt free hacker protection methods if you don’t have the budget for premium resources.

Here are some free hacker protection methods you can use for your website and devices.

Use Strong Passwords For Free Hacker Protection

Passwords are your last line of defense for your online presence. You need a password to access any platform or online service. You need a password to keep your website admin panel safe. You don’t have to pay for a password. Hence, this is one of the easiest free hacker protection methods.

Hackers use technology devices and methods that can easily guess your password. However, even the best hackers can’t easily guess a strong password. A strong password consists of both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.

When you choose a password, make sure it doesn’t have any personal or sentimental value. This makes it hard to guess. Or, you could pick passwords that are suggested by the platform you are using. You don’t have to remember this password as it is automatically saved on your device.

Free Hacker Protection

A strong password is a great free hacker protection method for your website and devices.

Use A Firewall For Free Hacker Protection

You can use a firewall for free hacker protection for your website and devices. A firewall is a software that acts as a barrier between your information and the external environment. It blocks any unauthorized attempts to access your information.

It is essential protection for all website owners and users of devices that access the internet. Major operating system manufacturers now add a firewall to their OS to keep devices safe.

As a user of a firewall-enabled device, make sure to switch the firewall on as you access the internet. This ensures free hacker protection from hackers on the prowl for unsecured devices to take over.

Install An Antivirus For Free Hacker Protection

Always install an antivirus on your website and your devices. An antivirus is an effective free hacker protection strategy. There are several antivirus software available for free. Despite there being free, they are an effective protection tool.

Antivirus or antimalware software detect, block, and remove any malware sent by hackers to your device or website.

An important factor in the use of antivirus or antimalware software is validity. Always ensure that you update your antivirus. Or, install one with automatic updates. Hackers take advantage of the security gaps in your antivirus. This allows them to send malware to your device or website easily.

Use A Phishing Scanner

One of the major tricks used by hackers to infiltrate a system, website, or device is phishing. Phishing is a method where hackers use fake emails that are similar to other legitimate emails that you may have used.

Phishing emails contain links that once clicked on compromise the security of your device or website and allow hackers access.

A phishing scanner is, therefore, an effective hacker protection tool. It is often part of the antivirus software. Always make sure that the antivirus you choose for your hacker protection contains a phishing scanner.

This guarantees you protection from hacking attacks.

Update Your Operating System And Other Software

One overlooked free hacker protection method is always having up-to-date operating systems, software, and browser. If there is any software that you use for your website also make sure to update it with every update.

These updates often seal any security loopholes that hackers can use. If you fail to make the update, hackers can use the loopholes to access your devices and website and shut you down.

Hackers can use other software on your device or website to hack you. Also, make sure that these are fully updated.


You don’t need expensive measures when you can get free hacker protection for your website and devices. Free antimalware solutions, updated software, operating systems, and firewalls make it hard for hackers to get you. With Comodo, you can get the best free hacker protection tools for your website and devices.

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