Website Malware FAQ

  • Backdoor: PHP:C99:045

    The C99 backdoor is a malware that allows attackers to take control of your site from remote. It is used to compromise vulnerable Affecting:...

  • Backdoor:PHP:MAILER:33

    Attackers use this PHP Mailer tool to send spam emails from your site. It hides in the filesystem and hence it is difficult to detect if the user cannot access to the server or logs. This is ...

  • Backdoor:PHP:GENERIC:07

    PHP:Generic:07 is a backdoor created by hackers to delete/upload files, access, alter and infect the website. It hides itself in the filesystem and hence it is difficult to detect if the user...

  • Backdoor: PHP:Filesman:02

    This type of backdoor helps the hackers to take control of the website, alter and infect the website. Affecting:  It compromises any outdate...


    filesystem and it is difficult to find without access to the server or logs. These are spam files that are used in DoS or phishing attacks, while a part of their botnet uses a compromised ser...

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