How to Configure Denial of Service Protection?
Over the years, online attacks have moved from targeting large corporations only to businesses of all sizes.
This has led to the increasing importance of internet and website security for businesses.
We have seen attacks on online businesses that have crippled them for a few hours or even permanently. To avoid such scenarios in your business, you have to invest in website security and general online security for all other aspects of your business.
One way to do this is to enable DoS protection.
It ensures that hackers and other malicious characters on the internet can’t bring down your business.
Benefits Gained When You Enable DoS Protection
Peace of Mind
As a business owner, one of the things that will keep you awake at night is not knowing whether your business is safe enough.
Is your financial and customer information well protected? Are your online business operations at risk of attack?
Many businesses have lost their customer’s trust after an online attack caused a breach.
With DoS protection enabled in your business website and online infrastructure, you know that your business is safe.

Enable DoS Protection to Protect Your Business from DoS Attacks
DoS Attacks cripple your business. When you enable DoS Protection, you have enough capacity to prevent and handle a Denial of Service attack.
It means that you are ready to fight against hackers.
When you enable DoS protection, you equip yourself with the tools to prevent hackers from accessing your online business resources. You have a tool that is fighting with you and you are likely to win.
Attack Detection
Enabling DoS protection enables you and your security experts to detect whenever a DoS attack is happening.
When you enable DoS Protection you can easily dodge an attack.
Enable DoS Protection Easily
Enabling DoS protection on your network and website is easy. You can simply flip it on in the settings of your infrastructure. This is your first line of defense against any DoS attacks.
When you activate Enable DoS Protection, you put up your firewall, intrusion prevention, and detection system. This ensures that you can ward off a DoS attack of any scale easily.
Another method you can use to enable DoS protection is to install DoS protection software from a third party.
Comodo cWatch is one of the leading website protection software that you can use. It is backed by experts who are available 24/7 to help you fight against DoS attacks on your business.
Benefits of Using External Software to Enable DoS Protection
Real-time Web Application Firewall
The Comodo cWatch website security software ensures that you have a real-time web application firewall protecting your website and technology systems and networks at all times.
This firewall is always checking for and eliminating any vulnerabilities that could be exploited to make you easy prey to a DoS attack. It also filters out suspected requests that are likely to be made by attackers.
Available 24/7
External software for your DoS protection is available 24/7. It leverages the cloud infrastructure to make sure that it is always on and at work. Protecting you from DoS attacks from all over the world.
You are sure that your business is safe from online or local DoS attacks at all times.
Manned by Professionals
Just because it is software doesn’t mean that it works only automatically.
An external DoS protection software such as cWatch from Comodo is backed by competent cybersecurity professionals. Like their service, they are available 24/7 and you have a voice to speak to whenever you have concerns of an ongoing or likely DoS attack.
You have the tools to prevent an attack and the manpower to help you fight off any attacks at any time of day wherever you are in the world.
Speedy Attack and Malware Detection
When you have external protection software to guard against DoS attacks, it can detect when you are under attack and also detects when you have malware that could make your business and easy target.
It has the capabilities to remove the malware and to quickly assemble a defense when it detects an ongoing attack. Keeping your business online and customers safe.
It also removes the detected malware to keep your system clean for both you and your customer’s sake.
Always enable DoS protection manually on all your business infrastructure. Additional defenses from external software for cyber protection provide additional reinforcement to your manual defenses.
With these, you are sure that your business is safe from DoS attacks.