Does SSL Protect Your Website from Hackers?
SSL is a cryptographic technology used for the security of a computer network. It works by encrypting the link between a server and a client.
An SSL certificate is mostly used in securing data transfer, transactions using credit cards, and has begun to see wide use in social media security as well.
An SSL certificate works by joining together a domain or hostname to form an organizational identity, that is, a company’s location as well as its name.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are similar but different at the same time. As much as they both are used to encrypt a network and in data transfer authentication, TSL is an upgrade of the SSL. Their differences are so minute only very experienced technical individuals might notice the difference.
Why You Should Use an SSL Certificate?
The following are some of the reasons you should use an SSL certificate:
Data Protection
SSL protects you from skimmers and hackers by encrypting your data, which is one of the main functions it performs.
Once data is encrypted, only an authorized party, the server or browser, can decrypt the data. This is mostly used in credit card transactions, IDs, passwords, etc.
With SSL, you can be sure no hackers or skimmers will be able to hack into your data and information.

Identity Verification
Another major role SSL plays is authentication to a website. This is very important in web security.
Many people have lost all their money to hackers for simply not having an SSL certificate installed. Do not be among the victims. Get an SSL certificate installed to stay safe from hackers.
When installing an SSL certificate, you will require third-party authentication in the form of a certificate authority (CA) who verifies your organizations and your identities and give trust indicators that users see when using your website.
Better SEO Ranking
SSL is very important when it comes to search engine ranking.
Websites with SSL certificates automatically are high up in the list of websites on the search engine results page (SERP). Websites without SSL are automatically pushed to the bottom of the SERP page.
Website visitors are more likely to visit a secure site than one that is not secure. If Google flags your website and pushes it down on the SERP page, it will impact negatively your revenue and traffic to your site.
To boost your SERP ranking, you need to install an SSL certificate.
Satisfy PCI/DSS Requirements
These PCI/DSS requirements are a prominent feature in websites that deal with online payment services. PCI especially is a must-have requirement if you want to receive payment online.
The PCI (Payment Card Industry) set the SSL as a must-have as one of their twelve primary requirements. This goes to show the trusted nature of SSL certificates.
Improves Customer Trust
It goes without saying customers will trust you and your website more when they know you are secured with SSL.
This trust might translate to increased traffic to your website and increased revenue. Other companies and entities are more likely to conduct business dealings with you for having an SSL certificate installed. It shows how seriously you take your data and client security and privacy.
Login Password Protection
Hackers are always looking for web pages with weak passwords to exploit.
If they can hack you, they will steal your data or even delete it.
Any and all web pages protected by passwords, including one for an administrator, will all require SSL to secure the login details of all who log on to the pages.
It should also go without saying, never share your login credentials with anyone regardless of whether you have SSL or not unless it is completely necessary.
Protect Users on Membership Sites
In the online world, data theft is all too true.
If a hacker is able to acquire data on your business, no matter how small, it might be detrimental to your business.
SSL will help keep you, your business, your site visitors, and your client’s data safe from hackers. It will also help protect your brand and boost your company’s reputation and credibility.
You would not be happy if you visited a website and you received a warning the website is not safe. This is how a client feels when they happen to visit your site and find you are not secured with SSL.
To avoid such embarrassments, you need to install an SSL certificate to secure your website and your client’s data from hackers.