Wordpress is arguably the world’s largest content creation and management platform in as far as reach and service variety are concerned. In terms of functionality Wordpress generally enables users to create their personal websites and blogs through its web publishing properties that are browser accessible. The software in itself is offered to numerous users by a multitude of website hosting companies thus underlining the need for a personal Wordpress online scanner for each client.
An online security scanner is simply a software that uses a wide range of automated tools which simultaneously carry out routine scrutiny and analysis of a network’s vulnerabilities. These weak points are usually the target areas for online fraudsters and hackers. Furthermore, hackers usually have a high affinity for content management platforms such as Wordpress due to their extensive clientele coverage.
The goal of achieving optimum online security particularly among Wordpress content creators is thus a huge mountain to climb. It is however further exasperated by the appalling ignorance and negligence of users in matters involving cyber security. As such, this article seeks to shed light on the effective use of a Wordpress malware scanner as a cyber-security enhancing tool among content creators.
The Purpose of a Wordpress Online Scanner
The following are the reasons why you should use a Wordpress online scanner:
Detecting Harmful Programs
A Wordpress site checker is able to analyse both the files within your website as well as those involved in its running. This therefore means that it is able to enlighten the user concerning any damaging program that may have been placed in these files by cyber criminals.

Detecting Security Weaknesses
Wordpress vulnerability scanners are also able to spot possible security weaknesses such as poor password-protection and presence of obsolete files. Once this is done, they assist the user in correcting them through recommending the available potential solutions.
Enabling Security Updates
The cyber-security scene is an ever-evolving place. This is because of the continuous release of new technologies into the market. These technologies could either be beneficial or harmful to users. As such, it is imperative for users to adopt new security upgrades so as to reduce the risk of being susceptible to new threats. A Wordpress online scanner is a very efficient tool when it comes to giving security upgrading suggestions to users.
Reduce Cyber-Attack Damage
While it may be possible to take all the necessary security precautions, it is certainly impossible to completely erase the risk of falling victim to a cyber-attack. Websites built with Wordpress are certainly not exceptions. A Wordpress online scanner is not only an attack prevention measure but also one that can help users to curtail the damage that takes place once a site has been breached. This is because it is able to inform users about security intrusions that they may have had no knowledge about.
Reducing Risk of Self-inflicted Damage
The danger involved in reviewing suspicious files personally is very real. This is because most users do not know what to check for when analysing potentially dangerous files. Furthermore, the volatility of these files means that just one wrong click could set off a series of extremely destructive events. It is thus safer to utilise a Wordpress online scanner as far as the reviewing of potentially harmful files is concerned.
Eliminating the Weight of Personal Analysis.
The amount of time it takes for a user to personally review all his files is an eternity when compared to the brief timespan a Wordpress online scanner utilises in doing the same. As such, it is prudent for a user to focus on content creation while leaving file analysis to the Wordpress malware scanner.
Utilizing a Wordpress Online Scanner
The following are the factors that need to be considered in order to ensure effective usage of a Wordpress online scanner:
Wordpress functions are usually tailored to specific plug-in specifications. This therefore means that a specialised plug in for Wordpress security is an irreducible minimum with regards to conducting a security scan. A quality and well maintained plug-in is key in ensuring continuous protection against new weaknesses.
A Wordpress online scanner is only as beneficial as the number of times you utilize it. It is thus recommended for users to carry out scans as regularly as possible. Generally, scans should be conducted based on the degree of site visibility.
Security Requirements
Beyond simple scans, users need to utilise online scanners that have the capability to cater for all their security needs
At the top of the list of small things that make a huge difference in cyber-security is a Wordpress online scanner. Wordpress users are thus encouraged to utilise this amazing tool so as to safeguard the integrity of their websites against cyber-attacks.