Cyber Security Attacks
Ninety percent of all malware attacks involve the DNS and the web. However, very few companies or organizations have an adequate DNS-centric protection system in place. Most companies don't even monitor their DNS layer at all! Most companies are exposed to web security threats because cybersecurity systems are expensive and challenging to integrate.
What are Web Security Threats?
Web security threats are online cybersecurity risks that compromise the safety of devices through the internet. Most web security threats are activated by web service developers or operators, vulnerabilities of end-users or web services.
Web security threats are categorized as:
- Private network threats- These threats impact sub-networks connected to the global internet, such as wi-fi, national or corporate intranets.
- Web server threats- these threats affect software and hardware that support our infrastructure and services.
- Host threats- These threats impact particular network host devices like tablets, phones, and traditional computers.

What are the top Web Security Threats?
When web security threats are mentioned, the majority of people imagine computer virus attacks. However, web security threats encompass a broad spectrum of dangers both online and offline. These threats include:
- Phishing,
- SQL injection
- Ransomware
- Offline theft of data
- Cross-site scripting
- Fraud and impersonation
- Code injection
- Spyware
- Viruses and worms
- Consequences of Web Security Threats
Not all web security threats are created with malicious intent. However, most of them are created towards the following goals:
- To deny access- this function denies individuals access to a network service or a computer or phone device.
- To gain access- Web security threats give unauthorized individuals access to private data in computer devices or network services.
- To gain user authorization- some threats are created to enable hackers to access network services or devices.
- To expose private information- after gaining access to devices or network services, hackers can expose private data such as account credentials, photos, or sensitive information from organizations, companies, or government agencies.
Internet Security Threats
To make unauthorized changes- Some web security threats have the potential to compromise the safety of network services and devices to the extent of making undesired or unauthorized changes.
The landscape of web security threats has become dynamic and more significant. High-speed mobile and smart devices are constantly exposed to a vector of fraud malware and other threats due to their 24/7 connection to the internet. Other web adoptions such as the Internet of Things have also overtaken security awareness among numerous users.
The current global over-reliance on the web for daily functions has increased people's exposure to an array of web security threats. Lack of caution and convenience of use among users are the top causes of cyberattacks. Though the threats target devices, human users end up being the victims of the attacks.
How Do Web Security Threats Work?
Web security threat occurs when there are a threat motive and an agent when there are vulnerabilities and threat concerns. These circumstances align to make the threat existential.
Threat motives give cybercriminals reasons to cause harm. Although some threat agents act unintentionally, most web security threats are carried out with a motive. Motives include surveillance, financial, retaliation, information, and sabotage, to name but a few. Threat agents are the people who carry out the threats. They use the internet as a target, a security threat or a threat itself.
Several factors make a device or a network vulnerable to web security threats including, technology systems, human behavior weakness of compromised resources such as expired antivirus software.
- Threat outcomes are the negative consequences of a threat agent acting against a present vulnerability to gain an advantage. They include:
- Reputational damage could lead to loss of trust from clients and partners, humiliation, search engine blacklisting, and defamation.
- Disruption of operations such as operational downtime, denial to web-based services like message boards and blogs
- Theft of financial information, customer data, and identity.
How to Spot Web Security Threats
Spotting web security threats requires excellent attention to detail. However, there are times when threat alerts are more prominent. For instance, when browsing through websites and digital messages appear, opening them could lead to a severe security breach.
Some of the most common pointers to security threats include grammatical errors. Threat agents are not always careful when crafting their messages or false web content. Therefore, odd punctuations, typos, and unusual phrasing could indicate a web security threat.
Threat agents sometimes use decoy anchor texts to mask harmful links. Hovering over the anchor text could enable you to inspect the text's destination.
As a business owner, you could protect your website ecosystem from web security threats by outsourcing a complete website security package.